Sunday, December 7, 2008


Gary is out of the hospital! The Rituxan and steroid they gave him last night helped tremendously with the pain. The doctors were even surprised. They sent him home with a prescription for a chemo drug to be taken for the next five days. Almost $5000! At this point, there is no real schedule for the stem cell transplant. They have to get rid of the active Lymphoma first. He will receive the Rituxan and steroid treatment once a week and the chemo drug once a month. We will know more this next week after we talk with his doctor. I appreciate so much your prayers and words of encouragement! I have no doubt that the prayers work and gave Gary the relief from the pain that he needed.


  1. Jeanie, I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your lovely family Thanksgiving reunion. I didn't remember that you and your sister had married brothers. My mom and her twin sister married first cousins, so they had the same married names. Makes for some complicated explanations, but then we're from Arkansas :o) What a great thing that you could all get together. And I'm so thankful for Gary's release and his relief from the pain. I'll pray it will continue and that the chemo will do its job on those cells that need to go. Have a great weekend with your sweet husband!
    Debbie Hamby

  2. So glad to hear of some relief. I bet you both can handle so much more without pain than with. Hurts to see you have to go through this. I love you, Debi

  3. Ma'am Jeanie I just wnat you to know that I am thinking and praying for you & Pastor Gary. We have a GREAT GOD that we can lean on....
    loving you both....
