Gary had a relatively pain free weekend..... something that always happens after getting a large dose of steroids as he did on Friday. He has just been very tired and weak. It did not help that we were abruptly awaken at 3am to the fire alarms going off. We had to evacuate at least to the lower floor by the door until the firemen gave the green light. I can tell you that, at 3am, 20 below temps and the wind blowing something fierce, it would not have been pleasant to have to leave the building completely!
Today, the pain in Gary's head is back. He can get relief from the pain meds to some extent, but they usually wear off 30 to 45 min. before he could take another pill. Those minutes can be very hard to handle at times. We were hoping that after the second Rituxan treatment, he would not be in pain, but doesn't look like that will be the case. We appreciate you praying for him. I truly do not know how he would be able to handle all this, if it wasn't for all the prayers! Thank you!
oh Jeannie!! I'm so sorry to hear he is hurting again! I will tell you that when I'm working on the floor, I can give meds 30 minutes early per hospital policy. On the step down unit, I can give it an hour early. Wonder if this would help? Praying for you both!! Hugs from COLD CHILLY WINDY OKLAHOMA!!