Friday, April 23, 2010

APRIL 22, 2010

We finished Gary's test and he saw his doctor today. I did a post, but accidently published it to our ministry blog. Instead of redoing everything, I will just direct you to go to PHILLIPS to the PHILIPPINES to read the results of Gary's one year checkup. We will head back to Oklahoma tomorrow to spend a week with family, then return to the Philippines on May 7. Thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

APRIL 5, 2010

On April 1st, we returned to the States. Gary will have an appointment on the 21st of this month at Mayo Clinic for his 1 yr. checkup. He continues to improve daily. At times, he starts to do something and it dawns on us that he is using his hand in a way that he has not done before. The Sunday before we left, we celebrated Family Day at Bethel Baptist Church. Gary preached, had a baby dedication and baptized! After the baptism, it hit me that he was using his left hand! He would not have been able to do that 6 months ago. Little things like that give us hope that he will get the use of this hand back completely.
Gary is still on heavy narcotics for the nerve pain in his hand and has no feeling on the right side of his face, except for occasional nerve pain. All in all, he has come a long way and we are so thankful!