I had so much to talk about yesterday after seeing the doctors to discuss what Gary will go through with the chemo this week, but THIS is why I was not able to get online ...My usually WHITE dog had swept up ALL the dirt on the sidewalk during our walk. Although it gave us all a laugh, I had to spend the evening brushing and bathing him. I have made the announcement, that he is not allowed to go on walks this week while I am busy running Gary back and forth to the hospital. *smile*
Today was Gary's first day with chemo. During the BMT process, they call this, Day -6. For those that may be interested, here is the schedule of what he will be given ...
Day -6 ... BCNU (Carmustine) given over 2 hours. Gary was able to leave the hospital for the day and does not have to be back until 9pm. This made him very happy as he really has started to hate being in the hospital. He has to wear a mask when outside his hospital room or our apartment and avoid crowds. Day -5 thru Day -2 ... P-16/Etopside, and ARA-C. The VP-16 is given IV over 2 hours twice a day. ATA-C is given IV over 1 hours twice a day. IV hydration begins on Day -5.
Day -1 ... Malphalan. Given IV over 1 hour. Hydration ends.
Day 0 ... Day of transplant. Gary will receive his stem cells through the IV along with hydration. Should be dismissed from hospital to "Outpatient Management" later that afternoon.
The risk are many. One main risk is to the vital organs. Because Gary has had trouble with his kidneys shutting down in the past ... he is particularly at risk. His doctor has given specific instructions to everyone involved to be on alert for this. I am so comforted from the fact of so many lifting Gary up in prayer. I will never be able to express my appreciation enough! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hi Pastor Gary,
ReplyDeleteI must say you look good in your picture. You don't look like you are sick. I hope and pray you will really be on the way to your healing.
God bless you!
Rene Correa