Thursday, April 30, 2009


Gary has done a little better today. He was able to drink a nutritional drink to help get calories in him, but said it burned all the way down. The mouth ulcers are now down his esophagus. The sores in his mouth have not bothered him too much because where they are the worse, is the right side, which Gary still has no feeling. When I walked into the hospital room this morning, there was quite a change from yesterday ... he has lost his goatee. *smile* Sure happens fast!

He is still "talking out of his head" off and on. Other than the episode with the Apaches .... most of his talking is doing ministry. *smile* He is either organizing something or teaching someone. It makes me smile to think that even in his subconscious, his heart desire is to be back in the Philippines doing ministry. Lord willing, we will be able to do just that. Thank you so much for your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Jeannie,

    I am so glad that Gary has had a better day. We are still praying. When you mentioned about Gary doing ministry when he was out of it, I was so reminded about my Dad when he was on his journey with cancer, he would be in the middle of the night, talking to the Bible College Students giving a a big pep talk - then he would look up at me and ask me- What time is it, Cindy? I told him and he said "Oh, it's late- tell the students to go back to the dorm!" Then when he would later say "Was I talking out of my head?" I would tell him "No, Daddy"- because the Philippines was on his heart, and it would have made perfect sense if he had just been there- where his heart was.
    We will continue to pray for God's healing so that you all can go back. Hope this will be a good day for you both!
    CIndy Lyons
