Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last night, after I arrive home, I called Gary to check on him. Since he had been out most of the day from the drugs, I wanted to make sure he was doing alright. He acted very strange on the phone and kept saying, "Just get here". So I drove back to the hospital to spend the night. Gary was in bad shape throughout the night and this morning. He started talking very strange and at times could not answer correctly where he was or what year, etc. He would ask me questions that did not make sense at all and then get angry when I would not give him the answer he was looking for. He was not himself and I knew it was the drugs causing the delirium. I did not sleep all night, wanting to keep an eye on him. They had to put him on oxygen because his breathing was so shallow. Then, around noon, like a light switch turned on, he was back. He has been able to eat a small amount of jello then cereal tonight and keep it down. His MTX level dropped further to 3.9 but his CR moved up a little to 4.5. They took another blood draw this evening, but the results are not back at the time I am writing this. If his Creatinine levels do not start to drop tomorrow, there is a good possibility that they will have to do a few dialysis treatments. This will not be something he will have to continue in the future. It will just be done to help his kidneys. Because his Methotrexate levels dropped considerably, they are postponing using the drug they brought in from England. I am so thankful for all the prayers offered up for Gary and myself. We definitely needed them! Gary is so much better this evening and I feel we have made it through the worse this time around.

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