Saturday, October 25, 2008


Gary had a rough day today. His Creatinine (CR) increased to 2.8, which caused him to be very nauseous and sick. They started the rescue drug this morning, so the CR should start going down. We have had several emails, phone calls and comments on the blog recently and they all encourage Gary. Helps him to know people are thinking about him and praying for him. Even the off-handed comments are welcome. He needs the laughs. So, thanks to all of you who write and call!


  1. Hey! Just wanted you to know that I am still praying for you and Gary! I have been down the road with my nephew with a BMT and it is rough but the guy is right it all does have to do with your attitude a lot. You have my phone # if you have any questions or just need an ear to listen to you ANYTIME of the day or night! Love, Trina

  2. It is sooooo good to know that the chemicals are doing their work. Will be praying through the night and Sunday for him. Hope to hear good news regarding his levels by Monday.
    It seems strange to be praying for kidneys. We do pray for strange body parts at times. Tell Gary I'm truly not being personal! :-)
